Historical Commission and Historic District Commission:

Meeting Minutes

March 11, 2009


Attending:      David Martin, Chairman

                     Gordon Hughes, Vice Chairman

                     Susan Rich

                     Shirley Schofield

                     Reese Schroeder, Alternate, Secretary


Meeting start time: 7:30 PM


  1. Unitarian Church Cell Tower:  Joe Giammarco with T-Mobile requested a continuance to April 8, 2009.  His acoustical engineer, Cavanaugh Tocci requires a purchase order before they can perform their study.


MOTION: Susan Rich motioned to grant a continuance to April 8, 2009.

SECOND: Shirley Schofield

VOTE: Board voted unanimously to grant a continuance to April 8, 2009.


  1. Unitarian Church Addition:  Jack Armstrong and Linda Godfrey-Bailey presented modifications to the approved design of the addition.

a. Basement window sizes change from 4’x4’ to 2’x4’ windows to eliminate the window wells.  This includes all basement windows.

b.The roof line is revised to extend front gable ridge back to eliminate the flat roof.

c. The imitation slate shingles are deleted.  The church is reviewing Architectural grade asphalt shingles.

d. Revisions to exterior lighting: the selected fixture is Lithonia Lighting, “Omero”, color white to match addition siding.

New bidding documents have been submitted to the contractor for new pricing based on the changes in an effort to reduce the Church’s costs.


COMMENTARY: David Martin advised that the Commission can not act on the changes as presented, because a Certificate of Appropriateness has been approved.  The Commission will investigate whether the Commission can independently change or modify an approved design, or whether the Commission must revisit the approvals process through public hearing.  The Commission will meet with Town Council.  This will require changing the date of the Historical Commission’s April meeting to April 15, 2009.  David will advise all.


MOTION: Reese Schroeder motioned to approve the Lithonia Lighting “Omero” in white as presented.

SECOND: Shirley Schofield

VOTE: Board voted unanimously to approve lighting.


3.      Meeting Minutes from February 11, 2009 were reviewed by the Commission with comments and corrections.


MOTION: Gordon Hughes motioned to accept the February 11, 2009 minutes as corrected.

SECOND: Susan Rich

VOTE: Board voted unanimously to approve February 11, 2009 Minutes as record.


4.      Discussion amongst the Commission Members regarding the potential to utilize funds available from the Community Preservation Commission (CPC).

a.       Possibly continue the Historic Properties Inventory Survey.

b.      Provide for Plaques and Awards.

c.       Provide for preservation of historic documents.

            Susan Rich will discuss at the next CPC meeting.


      MOTION: Gordon Hughes motioned to pursue CPC funding to continue the Historic Properties Inventory Survey.

      SECOND: Shirley Schofield

      VOTE: Board voted unanimously to pursue CPC funding to continue the Historic Properties Inventory Survey.


MOTION TO ADJOURN: Reese Schroeder motioned to adjourn the meeting.

SECOND: Susan Rich

VOTE: Board voted unanimously to adjourn.


End of Meeting: 9:30 PM